Sunday, January 31, 2010

Where Do You Buy Pubic Wax Where Can You Buy Razors For Pubic Hair?

Where can you buy razors for pubic hair? - where do you buy pubic wax

same razor for face, legs, arms


  1. You can regular razors. But they are somewhat awkward to handle, especially if it is a sensitive area. I saw little shaver, which are specially made for this purpose. You are only a few centimeters long, and the shaving head is too small to fit in smaller areas. I saw them in shaving cream for women at Walmart. They came in a blue package, and some contain about 4 I do not remember the brand, but may have been Nivea.

  2. Shaving in the same he uses to shave her legs and face. Just use something good, you do not get Razor Burn! To say no to cheap brands!

  3. You do not need a special kind of razor.

  4. ummmm omg ur not suppose to be shortened! haha noooo! wow
